The Poem of Michael

I love you all, can’t you see?
That’s why I chose to be with thee.
And when the Sun goes down again
I’ll head off to see another friend.
But one good day, far from now,
I’ll return to check on you,
to see if there’s anything I can do.

I am not better than you are,
but I have journeyed to many a star.
I have seen the greatest of things,
and I have met the greatest of beings.

They all ask me please to stay,
but I am not designed that way.
My home is not a single place,
but the vast eternity of time and space.

But if you ever truly need me,
bend to your knee and pray to He.
He’ll let me know and send me here,
and you will have nothing to fear.

We were One, then we were Two,
We became Three when I joined with you.
This holy battle will not end Our pact,
it will only make Our prophecies fact.
Man only grows through pain and strife,
through pain and strife you do find Life.

So do not fear, and do not worry,
I am born of His righteous fury.
I do not break and I do not yield,
merged together We are His shield.

Born of His Blood and of His Fire,
born to scale that endless Spire,
made to hang My head down low,
to be that clean River to which you flow.

You do not miss me when I am here,
why do you miss me when I am near?
I'll never leave you, I’m part of you,
I knew you long before you were new.



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