The Friend

What if we didn't call him God, but just called him a friend.

What if we didn't say he was better than us, but just said he has seen and knows many things.

What if we didn't say he needed to be feared anymore, but only by those that are evil.

What if we admitted that we cannot comprehend something that existed before time, space, and existence.

What if we admitted that it's okay to not have all the answers.

What if we admitted that we've been selfish with his Word ever since he started giving it.

What if he knew we were doing this, and he allowed it to happen, as horrible as that sounds.

What if this was necessary so that we would be able to recognize his Light when it finally arrived again.

What if this friend of ours had been around for so long, and had become so advanced and powerful that he no longer understood what it was like to be a creature like a human anymore.

What if in order to understand humans he made himself into one and visited them occasionally to guide them, show them right and wrong, and help them become wise and kind.

What if you taught him as much about love, kindness and compassion as he taught you about those same things.

What if everyone and everything that is evil is going to be extremely terrified by his presence.

What if everyone and everything that is good is going to be delighted by his presence.

What if he was very lonely before he made you, and then created you in his image, so that he could remember what he once was.

What if he is infallible, capable of knowing all of the past and future, and able to control it for the best possible outcome for all of us.

If I were a supreme being I'd not want to be referred to in that way, nor would I want to be called God, because of how political and abused that word has been.

I'd want people to know that there was a time when they needed to be scared and intimidated in order to behave, but that is no longer necessary.

I'd want people to know that life is supposed to provide learning, and love and growth, and not be a miserable thing that it has become for so many of us.

I'd want people to know that the evil that surrounds them is not unnoticed, and it will not go unpunished.

I'd want them to know that they no longer need someone to interpret the writings of the Prophets for them.  That they can do this for themselves now.

I'd want them to know that very evil people have been using religion to hurt and destroy them since the beginning of Man, and that I'd been aware of it.

I'd want them to know that this life is a test, to see which souls are worthy of being in a very special place, and that the ones that are unworthy will never be able to go there.

I'd want them to know that they don't have to be religious to be my friend, they just have to be kind and good.

I'd want them to know that every Prophet was human, and therefore flawed and prone to sin, like any other human.

I'd want them to know that children crave love, discipline and guidance, and a parent that doesn't provide that will not be found worthy.

I'd want them to know they will not be allowed to enter into the next stage of existence until they establish peace on earth, and show that they can behave themselves.

I'd want them to know that peace is never established without eliminating evil, and that always occurs on a battlefield.

I'd want them to know I love beginnings, and I hate endings, so I'd have a way to save and restore a good and kind soul so that it may be immortal.

I'd want them to know that they are not the first he had guided, and they will not be the last.

I’d want them to know that being mean, racist, sexist, and looking for ways to hurt and insult other people is not a sign of superiority, it’s a sign of weakness and inferiority.

I'd create a red Satan, so they may see the worst of Man.  Then I'd allow him to speak into all their ears, tempting them with evil and hateful words, so that I could see their nature.  Afterward, once they could no longer change their mind, I’d let them know he was not me, he was the complete opposite.

I’d create Death, so they would think life was not eternal.  Then I’d offer them two Hands, one full of gold and the other empty, so that I could see their nature.  Afterward, once they could no longer change their mind, I’d let them know the other Hand was not empty, it was offering itself.

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