Saint Michael

A million charged, a million fell,
a million souls plunged into Hell.
Not for good and not for right,
but under darkness and without Light.

He that led them hid from sight,
a soul as black as moonless night.
Hideous beasts crept from his hand
and laid to waste a foreign land.

But from the smoke and ashen black
did one light a pathway back.
For in the dark and horrible sight
One did see the glimpse of Light.

An ancient sword, an ancient Word,
an ancient Son did wake the herd;
of greater purpose, of greater fight,
of God’s great wisdom and endless Light.

A million wolves of His right Hand;
a million warriors of their own land
did rise up to stop the horde,
were made immortal by their Lord.

For now they knew they could not die;
for now they knew the reason why.
Their bodies may fall and they may break,
but their soul within is His to make.

An ancient pact, an ancient Friend,
an ancient promise that God would lend
an ancient Fire, an ancient Flame,
a holy place from whence it came.
A Son of Fire, a Son of Light,
a Son of David to make it right.

An eternal soul of holy stone,
a forgotten name, an empty throne.
An unbreakable shield, an unstoppable sword,
the banner of their Father and Lord.
Come has He to return your glory;
come has He to finish the story.

Behold their Angel; behold their Friend,
behold the one that God would send
to slay this Satan and all his kind,
to cast him down before mankind,
so their eyes may open and their hearts may feel;
so their bodies and minds may finally heal.

So charge brave Wolf into that fight,
charge brave soul, you Son of Light.
Do not waver and do not fear,
know that your Saint and Lord is here.
He is your Guardian, He is your Friend,
His love for you will never end.

You were destined to remember His name;
you were destined to see His flame.
Close your eyes and see your Lord,
shed your fear and become His sword.

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