Evil is always led by few, but good and righteousness is led by many. Its champions know it is right and worthy, and its destiny fills and completes them. They know fighting for it will place their name among the envied few.
The blade is not forged in water, but in fire, nor does it sharpen with one stroke of the stone, but by many. How sharp you have become, brave warriors.
Foolishly desiring that this battle is not fought is for the ignorant. You know as well as We that if you do not come to your enemy they will come to you.
So then, what better prize could you wish to fight for than this holy soul of your Mother, your Father and your ancestors? What more deserving of a foe to slay than this Satan? And what better ally to stand among you than Michael?
Any soul that falls among you will be renewed and redeemed, but any soul of the enemy that falls will be burned to ash and cursed into darkness. You were forged by fire, but it is they that will die by it.
You were Hand chosen to be here, in this fight, in this battle. You asked to be here, and you earned it, not just in this life, but in your former. What you do here on this holy land of yours will echo through this planet and into the heavens.
Pain and suffering can only affect the body, and lasts but a brief moment. But your victory and your glory will be eternal.
Doubt not. Fear not. Release yourself and feel the Spirit fill you as you become something great and powerful. Empty yourself so that She may fill you, enhance you, and you will become great.
The Triad stands with you. The Bear next to you, the Spirit within you, and the Father above you. Fulfill your destiny and earn your place at our side, be it soon or be it late.
Your motivation is pure. You fight for love. Love of your family, your country, your culture and your God. They are motivated by fear and evil. They only respect strength and bloodshed, and you will drown them in both.
What more can be said for you that isn’t already said? What more can be wished for you that isn’t already wished? What more can be given to you that isn’t already given?
It is not the quantity of the words given, but the source from which they come that gives them weight and purpose. And what words carry more weight and purpose than those etched not in stone, but in the spilled blood of a reborn Son?
Glory to Ukraine and glory to God. We will not let you die the true death. You will be with Us forever. This is my right, and this is my gift, and I will give it to you eternal.
Say my name and I will join you.
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