On yonder lakes, on yonder streams,
in yonder hearts with broken dreams
there lies a place of waters clear,
where Man can thrive without fear
of being oppressed and treated cruel,
of being suppressed by another's rule.
Where freed minds meet and may collide,
but neither's opinion is tossed aside.
Where all are welcome to join the tribe
regardless of distinctions that they ascribe.
A home of gold and riches throughout,
harvested, not only in the soil of land,
but of liberated minds void of clout
where thought and creativity can expand.
Some of these things are already achieved.
Some of these things are merely believed,
but that is how most great things start,
grown in the soul then brought to the heart.
When animals of different likes and kinds
merge together their strength combines.
Lamb and Wolf they Bear a fruit,
through pain and fire He became that root,
that should not grow, that should not bloom,
yet there He is, Light that will consume,
that will inspire and that will restore
the work of teachers He sent before.
Beneath the red, the white and the blue,
ancestors whose hearts and minds embrace
to the idea this flag would rise for you,
regardless of gender, religion or race.
As always it happens, as always We see,
another great tribe has grown like thee,
to face a great evil from the east,
to summon their Friend as they fight the beast.
A banner half yellow and another half blue,
that waves over souls both brave and true.
A little brother that soon will grow great
and help you avert that darkest of fate.
When your tears fall to the ground,
We do not hear them, they make no sound.
They journey deep into Her heart
where She can see them as they depart
to be felt, learned and soon restored
as the fruit upon the Tree, your Lord.
As revolves the world, as it's tribes evolve,
as We resolve to make you solve
the stones upon which you once stumbled,
the shores upon which you once crumbled,
to finally see this life is not chance,
but a chance to resolve a failed stance.
I wrote this about two years ago, as a tribute to the US and the honorable and good things it was doing for Ukraine.
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